@echo off setlocal set ServicePath=HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rqs set EventPath=HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\Rqs set ServiceName=Remote Access Quarantine Agent REM REM EVENTLOG_SUCCESS 0x0000 REM EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE 0x0001 REM EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE 0x0002 REM EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE 0x0004 REM EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS 0x0008 REM EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE 0x0010 REM if "%1"=="/install" goto Install if "%1"=="/remove" goto Remove goto Usage :Install REM Copy the RQS binaries copy /y rqs*.* %windir%\system32\ras REM Register the service as auto start sc.exe create rqs type= own start= auto binPath= "%windir%\System32\Ras\rqs.exe" depend= remoteaccess DisplayName= "%ServiceName%" REM add failure actions to restart RQS should something unforseen occur sc failure RQS reset= 86400 actions= restart/60000/restart/60000/restart/60000 REM Add the allowed version strings. Note we have REM-ed out this line so it can be done manually. REM Edit the following line with your version strings to make the batch setup fully automated. REM REG ADD %ServicePath% /v AllowedSet /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d Version1\0Version1a\0Test REM Setup the Event log messages REG ADD %EventPath% /v EventMessageFile /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %windir%\System32\Ras\Rqsmsg.dll REG ADD %EventPath% /v TypesSupported /t REG_DWORD /d 7 REM Start RQS REM sc.exe start rqs echo. echo. echo You must add your version string to the AllowedSet value of echo %ServicePath% echo and then start the service using 'net start rqs'. Or you can modify this echo batch file to fully automate installing and configuring RQS. echo. echo. goto Done :Remove net stop rqs SC.exe DELETE rqs REG DELETE %EventPath% del %windir%\system32\ras\rqs*.* goto Done :Usage echo %ServiceName% installation utility v1.0 echo ======================================================== echo To install: rqs_setup /install echo To remove: rqs_setup /remove goto Done :Done endlocal echo on